jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

Sembrando el futuro

Well, it was almost a year when I gave up on love... Yes, yes that's me, Maripi talking. Before I met Eggo last June through a Greek friend of mine, I had had a few kinda bad love experiences in my life, and the last one convinced me that there was no right guy for me, that I couldn't expect to find that one special person who would complete me. But let me explain you (sí, ya sabes quién eres :) what I mean with some more detail.

About a year and a half before I went to Greece last summer, I'd met a guy in Las Cruces. We immediately hit it off, but nothing ever happened because he was with someone else (and so was I -or kinda). Then, he left without even saying goodbye and disappeared from my life for about three months. Then, he showed up again and we started talking almost daily. I'd promised myself not to go into another long-distance relationship, but... here I was again!!! We tried to see each other in May of 08, but it didn't happen. Then, we were supposed to travel together to visit a friend in Eastern Europe in December. It didn't happen again. Finally, the third one is the charm and we met last year. I really thought I knew him (we'd been talking for over a year and had known him for almost two years). We spent about eight days in one of the most beautiful countries ever and, yet, it didn't happen. We didn't click!!! We were sooooo different it was almost unbelievable. We also said hurtful things to each other. I was soooo disappointed. I had invested about two years of my life getting to know someone and, then, I didn't even know the guy at all.

After I went back home, I decided I was done with love. I didn't want anything to do with men. All I wanted was to finish my Ph.D. and move back to Europe so I could, at least, have my family nearby. Then, out of the blue, I met someone who -from the very beginning stroke me as an incredibly funny, uncomplicated guy. The rest is history. I'm with him now in the Netherlands and the seeds we seeded a year ago have already grown into plantitas that will continue to grow. He's, without a doubt, the man of my life, mi amorrrrrrrrrrr. He knows it and I know it. I'm not going to say I've given up on anything else. I'm even more motivated than ever to finish my dissertation fast so I can come back to Europe.

What I'm trying to say is that we may not always understand why things happen to us at first, but, as times goes by, we reflect and understand. I'm also saying that we, women, are very special as we are. We don't need anyone to tell us that we are great, smart, beautiful. We ALREADY are but are too afraid (or blind) to see it. Sigh!!! I do hope you don't give up on love just because one guy was totally blind. You're great!!!! I've always told you you're one of the smartest women I've ever met (and I've met MANYYYYYYYYYYYYY). So, keep up the great work and also that great heart of yours that was always there for me even when I didn't ask for help. Gracias, gracias, gracias.
Con mucho cariño y aún más admiración.

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